Five questions to help make this newsletter better

I created a brief survey to collect feedback and ideas about how to make this newsletter better

Five questions to help make this newsletter better

I’m going to be brief this week.

This issue will be short and sweet for two reasons.

First, I’ve been traveling with my family for two weeks, so there hasn’t been much time to reflect on the themes usually covered in Open Money.

What is open money?
Open money describes digitally-native asset systems that are build on accessible, programmable, and user-controlled architectures. These attributes allow them to leverage network effects to become useful and valuable.

Second, I could use your help, and this seems like a good time to ask.

I’m looking to get some input from you about this newsletter.

I’ve created a 5-question survey that covers some basics. Mainly, I am trying to figure out what you like, topics you would like to read about, and any other suggestions.

Here’s the survey (and here's a backup link in case the survey doesn't render as an embed for you):

If surveys aren’t your thing, you can always respond to this email and let me know your thoughts. Feedback is always welcome.

Thank you for opening and reading this newsletter every week. I enjoy putting it together.

I look forward to hearing from you.